Type “St. Augustine FL” into Google, the search engine that more than 50% of people searching the web use, and you’ll see that we’re number one! If you search for “St. Augustine Dining,” “St. Augustine Accomodations,” “St. Augustine Calendar,” “St. Augustine Attractions” and several other “St. Augustine” terms, Oldcity.com is the number one result as well or lies on the first page of results. We also rank highly on the next two most prominent engines: MSN and Yahoo. We expend a large amount of time and resources maintaining our high ranking and our customers continually benefit from this.

Track Your Advertising Success

We provide statistics for both your website (if you host with us) and for your individual ads on OldCity.com. These ad statistics allow you to see the results you’re getting. You don’t have to guess.

Putting Potential Customers on the Right Track

The ease of navigating OldCity.com ensures that your potential customers will be able to find your expanded listing or ad. It will appear in the most appropriate category, reaching a large but specified market. The navigation bar on the left side of all pages of OldCity.com ensures that visitors never get lost or confused. They can also search OldCity.com using one of our two business directories: alphabetical or categorical, or they can search for a specific term with our search function.

A List Apart

In addition to our current business directories  listing all of the fine businesses associated with OldCity.com, an extensive directory project is  currently underway. It will make listings available  to tourists and locals of all services, facilities  (restaurants, attractions, etc.) and community agencies. The Places of Worship page is currently complete. These directory listings are one of many examples of how OldCity.com is continually finding new ways to make itself indispensable to both Northeast Florida residents and visitors alike.

Advertising Options and Requirements


Requires a 40 to 60 word description of your business and what you offer to prospective customers, as well as a 60 x 60 pixel graphic, a link to your web site, a link to an email address of your choice, a link to Google Maps showing your location and your business phone number. Note: The word count does not include your name or the navigation bar.


Requires a 468 x 60 pixel banner which will include a link to your existing website. JPEG, GIF, or Animated GIF format only.


Requires a 122 x 63 pixel which will include a link to your existing website. JPEG, GIF, or Animated GIF format only.

Our Categories

We have a wide variety of categories in which to place your advertisement, including: