Exciting News: Old City Web Services Joins Forces with AnoLogix!

Corn mazes, weather updates and more!

As we approach the end of a busy summer for Old City Web Services and many of our clients, we decided to take a quick break from our regular weekly newsletters to talk about some of the exciting things that have been going on in the OCWS family lately.

Crown Weather Presents the St. Augustine Weather Page

From comprehensive charts and live radar to current conditions and detailed discussions, everything you need to know about St. Augustine’s atmosphereic conditions are now available on Crown Weather (a site designed, developed and hosted by Old City Web Services). Based out of Maine, meteorological guru Rob Lightbown is one of the most reliable forecasters on the web, so we are honored that he decided to give St. Augustine its own page on CrownWeather.com. Thanks Rob!

A new site and sponsor for Unity Outreach St. Augustine

We recently launched a new website for community group Unity Outreach, an organization dedicated to providing assistance to local breast cancer patients and survivors. The new site (http://unityoutreach.org) features online registration forms for each of Unity Outreach’s three annual events, including the Think Pink Motorcycle Ride this Oct. 1st, which Old City Web Services is helping to sponsor this year.

Sykes & Cooper Farms is preparing another aMAZEing fall

Throughout the month of October, Sykes & Cooper Farms will be running its second annual 9 acre corn maze, pumpkin patch and hayride in Elkton, Fla. OCWS created a new logo for Sykes & Cooper, plus we launched a new website (http://sycofarms.com) with information on all that the farm has to offer for guests, field trips and birthday parties.

OCWS Tip of the Month: Take precautions to protect your computer during storms

Whether it’s an afternoon thunderstorm or hurricane, we want you to know that there are steps you can take to protect your computer from lightning related power surges. Every computer at your business or in your home should be plugged in to a surge protector–just last week our office building was hit by a powerful bolt of lightning that damaged several computers in our building, but all of Old City Web Services’ equipment was safe thanks to our surge protectors. In really bad storms, it’s a good idea to completely unplug your computer and any other electrical equipment from the wall outlets to prevent damage. You should also back up your files on an external hard drive or CD.

2019-01-31T13:25:02-05:00August 25th, 2011|General|
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