Exciting News: Old City Web Services Joins Forces with AnoLogix!

Writing Web Content 101

Whether you’re developing your first website or in the process of re-designing a current site, you may find that it’s relatively difficult to write professional copy.  Many small business owners have no problem marketing and talking to others about their company, however when it comes time to put it into words on paper (or online), writer’s block tends to kick in. Here are some questions to ask yourself when beginning to write your website content:

Home Page:

Who are you, where are you located and what makes your business unique–what can you do for this visitor?

What is your mission statement or purpose?

What awards or recognition’s have you won? Hint: Testimonials will also work– this will make people trust and respect your business!

About Us: 

What is the history of your business? Hint: Years in business, interesting facts and a brief message from the owner)

What products or services do you offer? Hint: You don’t have to go into great detail for each; just list them with bullet points.

Who works for you / who do you work with? Hint: Name and positions of the staff and employees, partners, community involvement and clients

Contact Us:

Which medium(s) do I have set up for customers / potential customers to contact me on? Hint: Don’t forget mobile phones, e-mail, live chat or messenger, social media sites, etc.)

What initial information do I need to collect from people when they first e-mail me? Hint: This information will make up the various fields for your contact form.

Do I want people to be able to find my physical location via Google maps?

Another helpful tip is to browse the internet and look for other company’s (in your industry or not) that have an established website. Although it’s important to be unique and stand apart from your competition, this will provide you with layout suggestions and general information that you may have overlooked.

Here are a few websites we designed and developed that have copy and vital content that’s displayed in a clean and professional format:

Old City Web Services

Bayfront Marin House

Analytical Forensic Associates

If you would like more information on how Old City Web Services can help you with writing your websites’ professional copy, call us: 904.829.2772 or email us: letusmarketyou@oldcity.com to set up your free consultation.

2019-01-31T13:24:55-05:00February 20th, 2013|Copywriting|
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