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Create a Call-to-Action Button for Your Facebook Page

Facebook has rolled out a new feature for Facebook Pages. Your business’ Facebook page can now utilize this feature that will draw the viewer right to a page you want them to go to that will help promote your business.

If you are a hotel, you can use the BOOK NOW call-to-action and the button will link right to your reservations page. If you are a store, you can use the SHOP NOW call-to-action button and send facebook page viewers right to your shop! There are many choices depending on what type of business you are and what you are trying to promote through your page. It’s easy.

I’ll show you how:

Right there on your cover photo, there is a Create Call-to-Action button. Click it and it will bring up this screen:

There are a lot of choices for what type of action you’d like to use:

Select the call-to-action button choice that is right for your business and enter the URL of the website you’d like the button to link to and you are done! It is that easy.

Taking your Facebook page to the next level and using this feature will make viewers happy and help your business grow!

2019-01-31T13:24:53-05:00March 4th, 2015|Facebook, Marketing, Social Media|
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