Exciting News: Old City Web Services Joins Forces with AnoLogix!

Promote your St. Augustine business with print design.

2010 is almost over, are you ready for 2011?

As we reach the end of 2010, our economy is finally showing signs of a rebound, but that doesn’t mean the fight is over. Competition amongst small businesses continues to grow, which means you have to stay on top of your game with innovative marketing strategies that target your customers.

Old City Web Services is here to help you with affordable solutions for web and print design, search engine optimization, advertising, eCommerce, branding and more. Invest in your business and see the returns through proven statistics (provided with hosting and advertising) and a boost in your profit.

In 2011, it’s not about whether or not you can market your business, the fact is, you simply can’t afford not to.

Contact us today for more information on how we can help get you on the right track in the New Year!

– Old City

Visit our online portfolio to see more examples of our print design work.

Promote your business with print design.

How many times have you been driving, listening to the radio or speaking with a colleague on the phone and been unable to write down or remember a website that was mentioned?

While the web might be the most popular place to spend your advertising dollars these days, you still have to get people there. How do you do that? With tangible print items that your customers can hold in their hands, revisit later and find the information on how to get in contact with you.

Here are a few different types of print design you can share with your customers:

Rack Cards

To grab the attention of your potential customers, reach them with a full color, double-sided rack card. From product promotions to lodging info, rack cards get the important information into your customers’ hands. Rack cards are also perfect for existing customers to pass along to friends and family who might be interested in your products or services.


If your business has a wide variety of services or if you’ve just got a lot of information to share, a tri-fold or bi-fold brochure might be the best print material for you. Distribute them around town or offer them to customers who drop by for more information. Directions, contact information and other important details about your business can be shared in a layout that’s easy to read and pleasing to the eye.

Business Cards

For big meetings, trade shows and regular run-ins on the street, you share your business card every day. But does it stand out? Does everyone in your industry have the same business card? Stand out from cookie cutter designs with a custom created business card that showcases you and your business.

These and many other print materials including labels, greeting cards and display boards can help spread your company image to reach your target market. In addition to design, we can help you get your materials printed through one of our reliable printing partners, or you can take the completed design to a printer of your choice.

Need help? Contact us!

We can help you create eye-catching print designs that will bring customers to your doorstep–on the web or in person!

Get started today by giving us a phone call (904) 829-2772 or sending us an e-mail at letusmarketyou@oldcity.com.

2019-01-31T13:25:04-05:00December 6th, 2010|Print Design|
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