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How Social Media & A Blog Correlate With SEO

Why Your Business Needs Social Media & A Blog

Social media, Blogs and SEO compliment each other in online marketing. Posting current social media and a blog entries will help search engines recognize your website as relevant. Social media is a great outlet for driving traffic to your website, which helps boost your SEO rank. Even if your social media presence doesn’t lead to immediate direct sales, it is excellent for gaining those clicks to you website. This traffic will help boost your SEO rank.

Social Media & SEO

Whenever someone shares your website or your post on social media, this is link building. Link building shows search engines that your website is relevant and interesting. This is why it’s important to keep your social media current with a new post at least once a week. By posting once a week, you are giving users the opportunity to share your content more. The more content of yours that is shared, the higher your ranking will be. Google uses Twitter to discover new content; for example: what’s trending. Google loves Google+. Even though Google+ might not be the biggest platform of social media,  it can improve your SEO.  If you just have a Google+ profile and post on it once a month, it definitely helps. An overlap of social media and SEO is an effective strategy; by using social media in the right way, you will reap a lot of benefits.

Blog & SEO

The purpose of having a blog for your business is to get more traffic to your website. We learned earlier this month how more traffic to your website helps your SEO. Creating a blog for your business would be another way to improve your link building. Having a blog allows you to push out fresh content about your business without having to update your website. Search engines like fresh content because it shows that you present the latest information to your clients. Having a blog also helps with being able to present your search term keywords in your website. Blogs also allow you to use your keywords naturally. Having your keywords presented naturally in your blog will not only help your search engine ranking, but it will also help you keep that ranking longer. If you are looking for that extra push with your SEO, consider a blog.



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Need to jump way ahead of your competition on Search Engines? Sign up to have your SEO done by Old City Web Services! Contact us today to get started! 


2019-01-31T13:24:47-05:00August 16th, 2016|Blogging, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media|
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