Exciting News: Old City Web Services Joins Forces with AnoLogix!


Social media accounts – they’re not just a way to stay connected in our personal lives, but also in our professional lives. All too often I see companies who are missing out on opportunities because they don’t invest enough time building their social media presence. Social media isn’t just some extra task to hand off to an intern. It requires time, effort, and strategy to get it right.
Tips for effective social media management:
  • Define your audience.
  • Determine which platforms will effectively reach your audience.
    • You don’t have to be on every platform.
  • Come up with a content creation strategy.
    • What types of content to post
    • What times are best to post
  • Don’t post just to post. Quality is more important than quantity. Post with a purpose. Each post should benefit your audience.
  • Post original content. It shows you are a source of information.
  • Don’t post the work of others without giving credit. This is the same thing as stealing and can have legal repercussions. Give credit where credit is due!
  • Have fun and show personality! Social media is all about community and genuine connection. Your audience wants to see the real you.
If your social media presence could use some improvement, contact us to see how we can help!
Check back with us soon for more professional input!
2019-01-31T13:24:43-05:00August 17th, 2017|Advertising, Branding, Facebook, Marketing, Social Media, Tips For Success, Twitter|
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