With summer just around the corner, now is the time to clean up your website in preparation for a fruitful year. As technology grows and changes, some things that we once needed on our website become unnecessary and actually hold us back from a blossoming business.

We have put together a few suggestions for some of those “weeds” that we could help you remove from your website.

1. Copyright dates: Look down at the very bottom of your website—do you have a copyright clause written in the footer? Some clauses include dates and if yours is more than a year old, you should think about updating it or removing it all together. Simply stating that the website is a copyright of your business keeps the site timeless and keeps you from worrying about updating it every year. Otherwise, having that old date can make your website look…well…dated!

2. Hit counters: Back in at the start of the new millennium, designers used hit counters so that website owners could track the number of people visiting their website. Now we can use sophisticated tracking codes from Google Analytics to not only count the visitors to your website, but obtain crucial information about them to help you structure successful marketing and advertising campaigns for your business. Trade in that old hit counter for a free Google Analytics account, we can have it set up for you in less than 24 hours.

3. Auto-play Music: Once upon a time, it seemed like a great idea to use music to set the tone for your website. Visitors would arrive on your home page and immediately be greeted by a nice melody. But maybe after a few years, that music has started to get a little redundant. It can also be inconvenient for users who are surfing your website at work or on the go. Consider changing the music so it only plays when visitors press a button or we can just remove it all together.

4. Flash introductions: Although an introduction page with moving animation can add a lot of visual appeal to your website, it can also hurt you in terms of search engine optimization and usability. Search engines rate your website based on text, but text from within a video can’t be seen by search engine crawlers. Flash animation is also unsupported on a lot of mobile devices, meaning that you could lose traffic because people can’t see your website when they’re surfing on iPhones and iPads. Lastly, people who visit your website often can get frustrated with having to sit through the same introduction every time they try to access your site. Call us and we might be able to convert your introduction into a video that can be added to part of your website so people can still see it if they want to, but it won’t hurt your business.

Visit our blog to read more about why these “weeds” are hurting your website: https://oldcitywebservices.com/index.php/blog/

Need help getting started? We are a phone call away!

Old City Web Services can remove these pesky weeds from your website and help you spruce up your site in a few other ways, too. Give us a call today and we can get to work improving your business’ website.

–  Old City Web Services