Exciting News: Old City Web Services Joins Forces with AnoLogix!


Website Terms to Know

2019-01-31T13:24:38-05:00October 4th, 2018|Content Management System, Design, Web|

Most businesses hire a web firm to navigate the enigma that is the web world. From registering your domain to ensuring responsiveness, web firms take care of the nuances of your website. However, it’s important that the information they give you is translated correctly. To help you understand your web firm better, we've created a [...]

OldCity Web Services – Highlights of 2017

2019-01-31T13:24:39-05:00January 12th, 2018|Advertising, Blogging, Branding, Design, eCommerce, Logo Design, Print Design, Pro-Bono/Community, Responsive Web Design, Search Engine Optimization, Small Business Marketing, Tips For Success, Website Design|

Check out a few highlights from our year in 2017. From website and print designs to new content services, SEO efforts, and pro bono projects – we’ve been busy! Advertorials Advertising and Content In 2017 we implemented a new type of advertising on OldCity.com, called advertorials. We now offer a 300-word blog, made-to-order for our [...]

Website Trends for 2018

2019-01-31T13:24:39-05:00January 2nd, 2018|Design, eCommerce, News, Small Business Marketing, Web, Website Design|

In 2017 several website trends caught traction which will remain popular throughout 2018. In the past year, we have noticed a major evolution in the design of small business sites. Cluttered pages, a lack of direction, and M.I.A. contact forms are a thing of the past. The message has been conveyed; business owners are realizing [...]

7 Site Characteristics to Ditch

2019-01-31T13:24:40-05:00November 26th, 2017|General, mobile-responsive website, Tips For Success, Web, Website Design|

As a business owner creating and managing a website can be difficult. Your expertise is in your business and not graphic design. However, a compelling website is just as important as a business manager. With the Christmas approaching, you'll want to be sure that visitors are captivated by your site because they have a limited [...]

Choosing A Design Company

2019-01-31T13:24:44-05:00August 17th, 2017|Staff, Tips For Success, Web, Website Design|

It's surprising how many times in our first-time client consultations we ask what brought the client to us and their answer is all too often "Google." Well Google is how you found us, but what made you consider us (or any company for that matter) for your project? So, what is your criteria for choosing a [...]

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