Content Marketing is any marketing format that involves the creation and sharing of media and publishing content in order to acquire customers. Below are three To-Do’s that will help improve your content marketing efforts in 2014:

Rethink Old Tools

Are your customers responsive to the content you put out on social media? How much time do you spend tweeting or blindly posting on Facebook per day? There are better ways to schedule your micro-marketing content to save time and tools to ensure you’re utilizing all of the correct platforms.

Improve Keywords

The keywords  you target in the content of your website play a big role is how people find your business online. In most cases, the way people search on the web changes rapidly, as much as every month for some, therefore it’s important to adapt to these ever-changing internet habits by altering the keywords/phrases you target and by optimizing your site with new keywords that will broaden your reach.

Monitor Hashtags

Hashtags let you find related content, online communities, trending topics and flag useful information that will help you tailor your customer’s online experience to fit your needs. You can Register a New Hashtag for things such as prominent community events or limited time offers/promotions or you can see what industry-related hashtags are currently trending by using one of the following top Hashtag Monitoring resources:

Need help with your content marketing efforts?  If you haven’t marked off all 3 To-Do’s above, it’s time to schedule your free 1/2 hour consultation today by emailing us: or giving us a call: 904-867-4112!