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3 Print Design Updates You Need

Are you still digging brochures, rack cards or business cards out of the same box you had printed five years ago? It might be time to take a look at those old materials and see what we can help you update!

Here are a few things we can update/add to your print designs:

1. QR Code 

You’ve probably seen these black and white barcode boxes all over the place lately, but do you know what they’re for? Customers with smart phones (iPhones, Androids, Blackberries, etc.) can use the camera on their phone to scan the code, which will then take them straight to your website with one click.

The codes can also display a message (like a coupon code) or a phone number or they can go to a specific link like your Facebook page. QR Codes make print designs into a dynamic marketing tool you can use to drive more traffic to your website! If you don’t have one yet let us know and we can create one for you and add it to your business card, brochure, rack card or any other print material.

2. Photos

Are the photos in your print designs starting to date your business? If the clothing and hairstyles in your photos are clearly from another era, it may be time to get some new photography of your business. Photos are the best way to engage with potential customers, so if yours aren’t grabbing their attention, we can help! Call us for photography and design updates.

3. Directions

Does your print design provide good directions to your location? The landscape of St. Augustine changes on almost a daily basis with the addition and removal of buildings around town. If your brochure or rack card uses landmarks that no longer exist or if there’s a new landmark that could help customers track down your business, it’s time to update the old map and make sure you can be found!

We’re happy to help you make updates to your print designs! Give us a call to arrange a free consultation and receive a quote on making updates!

2019-01-31T13:24:59-05:00June 21st, 2012|Design, Print Design|
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