Exciting News: Old City Web Services Joins Forces with AnoLogix!

5 Mistakes Not to Make in WordPress

helpBuilding a website isn’t as easy as it looks. There are a lot of things that go into the background of a website, in addition to the design and layout and basic functions. Often, there are things that are overlooked if you don’t go with an expert to build your website for you.

Making Life Difficult for Mobile Users: Having a website created today that isn’t mobile friendly is a surefire way to lose site visitors, along with Google Rank. It may sound easy enough, but it isn’t. Our expertise at Old City Web Services can have your current or new site functioning for mobile users quickly and seamlessly.

Not Using Google Analytics: You can’t possibly know how to drive content to your site or how your web site is performing without having stat tracking set up on your website. Google Analytics is an easy way to track and simple reports can be generated that will help you strategize website updates and changes. We can help you install Analytics and understand your reports. Call us today to get you started!

Ignoring WordPress Updates: Having an out of date version of WordPress can leave your website vulnerable. Updating your WordPress version isn’t a complicated task, but running a backup before you update can be. We can set you up on a plan to run updates and keep everything running smoothly on your site in the background on a quarterly basis. Contact us today to find out how to get started!

Not having a Contact Form: A contact form is easy to set up, and easy for visitors to use. Although you may have your email atypingddress on your site handy, that assumes that the visitor has an email client set up on their device to use it. It’s much more user-friendly to have a form that will send the email right to you after they fill it out. This also gives you a record of entries so you can look them up if you lose an email.

Ignoring SEO Settings: You won’t want to ignore the SEO settings for posts and pages. It is not enough to just install a plugin for SEO and then do nothing. You should still proactively update your meta settings among other things.

All of these are things that we can help with on your current site or help you avoid by creating your site for you. Contact us today to help you maximize your website’s potential.

2019-01-31T13:24:48-05:00January 27th, 2016|Content Management System, Mobile Website, Website Design|
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