When it comes to websites, the buttons or “tabs” that allow visitors to move between pages are referred to as “navigation”. This navigation is key to creating a user-friendly website that will allow your visitors to find what they need to know about your business. This week we’ve put together some quick tips to help you create the best navigation for your website:
1. Keep it simple: Less is more when it comes to web pages and navigation. Don’t spread a few sentences of content over many pages, requiring your visitors to move through page after page just to get the information they need. Most businesses only need three or four pages to get across their services and contact information. This will keep your navigation and subsequently your website very simple and easy to use.
2. Use standard terms: A little creativity with your page names can be okay, but when it comes to the most popular pages–Home and Contact–go with standard titles. Most people are used to looking for Home or Contact on a website, especially when they’re ready to take action and contact your business. The worst thing you can do is slow them down by making them hunt for the right page. Stick to the standard terms and they will easily be able to find the right information.
3. Make it readable: Don’t use fancy fonts or small typefaces that make it difficult to read the navigation titles. You also want to be sure your navigation is in a prominent place on your website—most are at the top or the left side where they are easy to spot.
4. Be consistent: Your navigation should be in the same place on every page and list your pages in the same order. Visitors will get frustrated and confused if they have find the navigation every time they change pages. Having it in one place also makes it easier to make adjustments down the line if you add more pages.
5. Plan for expansion: Horizontal navigation is the most popular in today’s design, but vertical navigation has more room for growth if you plan to add a lot more pages to your website. Vertical navigation is also best for eCommerce sites with lots of product categories and selections. Know where you plan to go with your website so you can choose the best navigation style for your website.
Let us help you put together a user-friendly website!
From navigation to design and everything in between, Old City Web Services can create the perfect website for your business. For more information call 904-867-4112 or send an email to us at letusmarketyou@oldcity.com.