“The only difference between an audience and a community is how you face the chairs.”

-Chris Brogan, CEO of Human Business Works

We are all well aware that a company blog will help improve your SEO & overall web presence, but additionally, blogs allow you to instantly interact with your customers and help create a unique voice for your company.

1.) Q&A

Your customers will always have questions and you, as the expert, are expected to provide the answers. In doing so, you’ll improve your credibility and appear more personable. If you notice a trend in the questions people are asking, create individual posts to address the most common inquiries.

2.) Incentives

Posting offers and highlighting certain products or services will keep customers coming back for more. Share specials, new products or tips on how to get the best deals. Showcase upcoming events and ways your company is involved in the community. Here’s a few examples of post titles:

  • Our Top 3 Best Sellers
  • 10 Reasons Why Customers love_____.
  • Why you love what you do

3.) Keyword Tools

One of the best (semi-kept) secrets in the world of small business bloggers is the ability to see what keywords your potential customers are using. Free tools such as Google AdWords & Wordtracker will give you tons of new blogging ideas and will tell you the best words to plug-into your posts.

4.) Today I…

Over and over again we hear: “But I don’t have anything to talk about.”  That’s not true! Your customers want to know who you are and what you’re trying to accomplish with your business. This is a cornerstone for trust-building, plus –it works. Sometimes the “little things in life” truly are the most remarkable and your customers want to hear about them. Write about an act of kindness you received from a stranger or how you resolved a conflict. Even sharing a photo of your lunch from a neat new place you found will get people excited.

5.) Comment & Follow Others

Commenting and following other resourceful blogs will not only increase your following and traffic, but it will show others that you have the go-to blog for customers to find useful information. Your goal is keep your following coming back for more and in order to do so, you must contribute to others conversations.

If you have not yet joined the blogosphere, hopefully these tips will convince you to jump on in and join the conversation!

Here’s a few questions to get you started:

  • Who are you?
  • Where are you from?
  • Why did you choose your specific business location?
  • What are you most passionate about?
  • What struggles have you gone through to get where you’re at today?

Need help setting-up or linking your blog to your website? Old City Web Services can help!

Give us a call or send us an e-mail for more info:

