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Top 5 Website Myths Busted

Website myths lead people to make wrong decisions for their website.

Like most myths, the misinformation spread in website myths can misguide a person into making wrong decisions. Now, we’ve all heard it before, “You shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet or see on TV.” Yet, we’re all guilty of doing this, especially when we aren’t experts on the topic. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. We’ve debunked the following five website myths so that you can make decisions for your website based on facts rather than myths.

Image contains a graphic chalkboard with text that reads

Website Myth 1: They sell themselves.Image contains one dollar bills in a pile.

Unfortunately, this is simply untrue. While websites are critical for businesses to have, they can’t reach your ideal customers on their own. They need a strategic marketing strategy to accomplish that. Typically, enhancing a website with SEO and user-friendly design can help a website gain more traction. Furthermore, by distributing print materials like a rack card or business card that includes your website URL, your site will get more visibility. It also helps to push users to your site through social media and online ads.

Website Myth 2: You can build your own website.Image contains a man hammering a nail in wood.

This isn’t entirely a myth. While “You can build your own website,” is a true statement, the following sentence is more accurate, “It is difficult to build your own website.” Although DIY website platforms are built for nonprofessionals, many users still face hardships. In fact, a DIY website can eat up hours of your valuable time simply by updating it. Additionally, they often have hidden costs as well as limited capabilities. In the end, the few pennies that you save aren’t always worth the challenges and wasted time.

Read more about the differences between DIY and professional websites here.

Website Myth 3: You don’t need to budget for design, photography, or content.Image contains a pink piggy bank.

Design, photography, and content are the main contributors to a successful website. In fact, even if you have an excellent SEO strategy that places you in the top results of a Google search, it’s likely that bad design, photography, and/or content will deter users from staying on your website for long. In addition to that, your website speaks volumes to how valuable your business is. Having professional photography and optimized content will keep users on your site longer instead of having them go to your competitor’s site.

Website Myth 4: They are expensive.Image contains a website with a price tag.

This is a total myth! In fact, websites eventually pay for themselves. Think of a website as an employee that is always working for you and never goes home. Whether it’s before your business opens or after it closes, your website is there to answer your clients’ questions. Since you control the text and imagery content for your website, no misinformation is spread and your business’ message is always conveyed clearly.

Website Myth 5: They don’t need ongoing maintenance.Image contains a graphic of a man changing oil on a truck.

Just as your website needs an SSL certificate for security reasons, it also always needs ongoing maintenance. Ongoing maintenance for a website includes regularly updating plugins, themes, and code to avoid hackers, glitches, and broken websites. For example, you wouldn’t ignore a recall notice for your vehicle because it could potentially cause damage to your car. This is exactly how you should look at ongoing maintenance; without it, your website has the potential to break and not function normally.

Have a myth you need debunked?

Think of us as your website myth busters. We uncomplicate the web world for you so that you can make the best decisions for your website. If you have a myth you need busted, we’d like to hear about it. We’ve heard it all before, so don’t hesitate to reach out with your questions and concerns. Call us at 904 829-2772 or contact us by clicking the button below.

Mission Statement

The mission at Old City Web Services is to navigate the world of web design, web development, and advertising for our clients so that they can focus on what they do best – running their business! Our business intentions go beyond the metrics of graphics, coding, and SEO. Located on Florida’s First Coast, we run a personable home front service and consider our relationship with our clients as a partnership in their success.

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2019-08-19T09:10:17-04:00August 6th, 2019|Web Development, Website Design|
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