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5 Steps to Facebook Success

We can’t dedicate a month to discussing social media without talking about the biggest social media site on the web, Facebook. Believe it our not, your business can really benefit from having an active Facebook page. How do you do that? Follow these four simple steps and you’ll find success.

1. Create a Profile.

Facebook currently features two types of profiles–Personal Profiles and Pages. Personal profiles are tailored to individuals while Facebook’s Pages (sometimes known as Fan Pages) are more business oriented. Fan Pages allow you to categorize your business, add your location, links to your website and other information that will help customers find you on Facebook. If you haven’t already created a page on Facebook, it’s easy to do–just follow the step-by-step instructions on the website. And the best part is, it’s free!

2. Make Connections.

Once you’ve added your profile and filled out all the necessary information, you need to start making connections with your customers. The goal of Facebook is to get customers and potential customers to “Like” your page, which will add your updates to the news feed they see each time they log-in to the site. You can encourage your current customers to “like” your page with a link on your website or an email campaign. To attract new customers, make your page visible by commenting or interacting with other pages that have a similar customer base.

3. Post Updates & Information. 

You should post a status update or photo on your Facebook page at least once a week, but preferably once a day. It’s all about staying current and getting your page into the news feed that each user sees when he or she logs into Facebook. You want to catch the attention of potentially returning customers or get them to share your information with all of their friends, who may become new customers for you.

4. Monitor your insights. 

On the left side of the page you should see a link that says “Insights.” Click on it and you’ll find updated statistics about the activity on your Facebook page. This information is critical to measuring your reach on Facebook. You can see which posts have been most popular, how many people are talking about your page on Facebook and so much more!

5. Advertise!

This is an optional step, but if you feel like your page isn’t getting enough attention on its own, you can advertise it through Facebook. Using Facebook’s incredibly detailed demographics you can specifically target your market with a variety of different types of advertising to boost the reach of your page.

Don’t have time to sign up for Facebook? We can create a page for you and add a link to your website! Give us a call and we can have it set up for you today!

2019-01-31T13:25:01-05:00February 8th, 2012|Social Media|
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