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Twitter Terror? Take Control With These Easy 6 Tips

1. Have a mission

Just like anything else, your Twitter account needs to have a purpose. For what reason do you need to get on Twitter and post information? Here are a few examples of possible mission objectives:

  • Find new customers
  • Keep current customers informed
  • Demonstrate your expertise
  • Form relationships with other businesses

2. Use a photo or logo for your icon

Personalize your icon with a photo or logo image so when it shows up in someone’s feed they will know who it’s coming from without having to look at the name.

3. Fill out your profile 

Make sure you add a name, location, short bio and most importantly a link to your website in your profile. Not only will that guide customers to your website, it also helps link your Twitter account and website in the eyes of the search engines.

4. Be mindful of your online legacy

Tweets are public — they can appear in search rankings and will likely stick around on the internet for many years to come. So be very mindful of the things you say and how they will play into the online legacy of your business.

5. Shorten your links

When you add a link in your tweets, be sure to use a website like bit.ly or ow.ly to shorten your links. You only have a 140 characters to work with, every one counts!

6. Use good grammar!

Tweets are not to be confused with texts!

Only use abbreviations when absolutely necessary and make sure to read over your tweets a couple times for spelling mistakes and typos, especially if you’re using a mobile device.

For more tips on social media and websites, give us a call or shoot us an e-mail:

(904) 829-2772


2019-01-31T13:24:59-05:00July 26th, 2012|Marketing, Social Media|
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