Exciting News: Old City Web Services Joins Forces with AnoLogix!

What Your Website Says About You

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You may think your business makes its first impression when people step foot through your door.

Think again.

Your website is your first impression

In the day of smartphones and ever-changing technology, people often form their opinion of you without even leaving their couch. Think about it – whenever you want to go out to eat, you pull out your phone or laptop and search your options.

How do you decide where to go?

Usually, the websites highest up on the list are more apt to get your attention. So you go to the potential restaurant’s website. If it looks inviting and up-to-date, you’re more willing to take it seriously as an option than if the website looks like it was built in 2007 and never updated, right? That’s because your website is the face of your business. You may think that a website is just something you have to have as a business owner, but the truth is that an impressive website has the ability to build your customer base and make you stand out among the competition.

“Having a well-designed site is just as important as having a well-kept brick and mortar store.”

– Bobby Jones, Art & Design Director at Old City Web Services

Up-to-date websites build consumer trust

When a customer visits your website, they equate the quality of your website with the quality of your products. Although you may provide excellent service and amazing products, if your website doesn’t reflect it, you’ll have a difficult time convincing prospective customers otherwise. For instance, if you run an e-commerce site and the check out page is out of date and difficult to navigate, how many online transactions do you think you would miss out on? Potential customers might not feel secure entering their card information. It is important to present a professional and efficient website so customers feel safe.

Modern websites help you compete with large companies

If you are a small, local business, you might think your only competition is other small businesses. But really, all businesses in your industry are your competition. If you run a local coffee shop,  you are not only competing with other small coffee shops and cafes but also large corporations who have nationwide and international followings. Customers will compare your service to theirs. What do they gain by going to you? Is it better service or quality? Maybe a better price? You may not have the same budget as a large corporation, but you can still create a website that can compete with them. If you present something modern and updated, potential customers will give you more attention and think of you as a more legitimate company.

So you need a new or updated site? Let us help.

We are in the business of helping businesses succeed. We are constantly developing, updating, and maintaining websites for our clients to ensure that their online presence is the best it can be. We offer free consultations which allow us to get to know you, your business, and how you would like to present your company online. Contact us today so we can help you stand out among the competition!

2019-01-31T13:24:46-05:00February 14th, 2017|Content Management System, Design, Website Design|
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