Exciting News: Old City Web Services Joins Forces with AnoLogix!

Two Telltale Signs Your Site Needs A Redesign

A website is an important marketing tool because it is a business’ online storefront. When people are surfing the web and come across a website, they judge it and determine whether that business is a good fit for them. There are quite a few reasons that might deter someone away from a website only to go to their competitors. One of the biggest reasons is that the site is out of date and needs a redesign. Additionally, there is more than one factor at play that can put a website into this category. Below, we’ve described two of the biggest telltale signs that a website needs a redesign.

It isn’t responsive.

Time and time again we’ve stressed the importance of having a responsive website. A responsive website has a flexible layout that is adaptable to different screen sizes and devices. For example, take a look at the three images below, each image has the same image, titles, and text despite being on three different devices.

Now more than ever, people are using mobile devices and tablets to surf the web as much as a desktop, if not more. When users have a bad mobile experience on a website, they’re less likely to shop with that business. The proof is in the pudding, check out the statistics below to see how important a responsive website truly is.

  • 46% of people will not shop with a brand again if they had a bad mobile experience (Google, 2017)
  • 52.2% of worldwide online activity was generated through smartphones in 2018 (Statista, 2018)
  • 57% of mobile users will not recommend a brand with a bad mobile design (socPub)
  • 80% of mobile users are more likely to shop with a brand with a mobile website that answers their questions quickly (Google, 2018)
  • Consumers have twice as many interactions with brands on their smartphone than they do with brands on TV, in-store, etc. (Google, 2017)

(Source: Blue Corona)

Your competitors have newer sites.

Image contains a computer, a hand, and a pen.
If your competition’s website looks significantly newer than yours, it’s time for a redesign! Potential customers surfing the web will research a few businesses before making a final purchase. Part of their research is comparing you to your competitors. This includes the look and feel of your website. Generally, we encourage clients to redesign their website AT LEAST every five years. On the other hand, this recommendation may change based on the look and navigation of your competitor’s site. Although a two-year-old website may feel new to you, potential clients may not draw the same conclusion. Remember, a quality website represents a quality business. Periodically compare your website to your competitors. Check for a fast or slow load time, easy navigation, and how responsive your site is on a smartphone, desktop, and tablet.

Need A Redesign?

Don’t panic if your site isn’t responsive or if your competitors have newer sites. This is an easy fix. Depending on your needs, a new website can be designed in as short as a few weeks or as long as a few months. Of course, the quicker you get your website redesigned the better! If you have any questions about the redesign process, just give us a call or contact us today.

Use Good Phone Etiquette

One thing that is important for success in your business is using good phone etiquette. Answering the phone promptly within in one or two rings is a big plus. Use a friendly, welcoming tone; don’t be abrupt or gruff. Put a smile on your face…it conveys in your voice. If you have to put the caller on hold, check back in with them – don’t forget them. And, at the end of the call, be sure to “Thank” the caller. It goes a long way.

Mission Statement

Our mission at Old City Web Services is to navigate the world of web design, web development, and advertising for our clients so that they can focus on what they do best – running their business! Our business intentions go beyond the metrics of graphics, coding, and SEO. Located on Florida’s First Coast, we run a personable home front service and consider our relationship with our clients as a partnership in their success. If you are looking to increase your business’ visibility give us a call at (904) 829-2772 or contact us today.

Sharing and re-posting this blog is encouraged. Please credit Old City Web Services when sharing. Photo credits: OldCityWebServices, Canva. Disclaimer: Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information on Old City Web Services Blog.

2019-01-31T13:24:38-05:00November 30th, 2018|Design, mobile-responsive website, Tips For Success|
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