Exciting News: Old City Web Services Joins Forces with AnoLogix!

Give your website a mobile advantage.

Mobile web browsing is changing the way the world views websites—including yours.

Everywhere we go now we see people on cell phones, iPads and iPods connecting to the outside world from park benches and restaurant booths. With more and more of your web traffic coming from visitors on mobile devices, now is the perfect time to capture people on the go with a mobile website.

To understand what makes a mobile website different from a standard website, we’ve put together a quick list of the biggest differences between the two:

Smaller Screen Size: Most standard websites are built to display well on a widescreen computer monitor, which means that they have to be dramatically reduced in size to fit on the screen of a mobile device. This can make the text on your website difficult to read and can cause other display issues that make your website hard to navigate.

No Flash Animation: If your website features a lot of moving parts such as slideshows and other Flash elements, most mobile devices will not properly display your website. Instead of your slideshow or other element, some devices will display plain text or a link, while others will display nothing at all. This is especially problematic if your navigation buttons were created with flash.

Simple Information Structure: Users on mobile devices are typically looking for specific information they need on the go such as menu, products, business hours, phone number and directions. Mobile sites therefore tend to have much less content than a standard website so that users can easily find the information they are looking for without having to scroll through multiple pages of text.

Old City Web Services offers mobile solutions.

We have the technology to create a quick and easy mobile version of your website. With the use of a content management system, we can install a plug-in to create a mobile website for your business. The plug-in will automatically detect mobile device users and send them to the mobile site while users on a traditional desktop or laptop will still see your standard website. You don’t have to do a thing, we can handle the entire transition for you, just give us a call or send us an e-mail to get started.

2019-01-31T13:25:03-05:00March 2nd, 2011|Mobile Plug-In|
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