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5 Essentials for your Marketing First Aid Kit

Your marketing plan is not complete without these important tools.

Promoting your business in today’s media saturated market requires the use of multiple marketing tools. We’ve put together a list of essentials you should have at the ready for your business, all of which we can create for you:

1. Website: It might seem obvious, but your website should be the headquarters for every marketing campaign. Every other tool you use should refer people back to your website.

2. Print materials: You never know where you might run into a potential client, but the easiest way to make a connection is to leave a tangible reminder of what your business has to offer, which can be a business card, rack card, folder with inserts or any other type of printed document.

3. Advertisements: Every successful marketing campaign contains an advertising component. Where possible, have your ads professionally designed so are sure to stand out from the competition.

4. Social Media: Using sites like Facebook and Twitter is critical to marketing success. You don’t have to blog your entire life, just mention some of the things your business is doing–sales, events, satisfied customers, etc.

5. Measurement tools: You MUST be able to measure the outcome of your campaign. How do you do that? Google Analytics can give you detailed statistics on your website to see if you had an increase in visits, where they came to your site from. For print ads and documents you can use special codes on discounts and coupons to keep tabs on where someone found your ad. Plus there’s always the good old fashioned way of just asking a client how they heard about your business!

You can read more of our tips for marketing your business by viewing some of these previous blogs:

If you would like more information on adding a content management system to your website, call us today at (904) 829-2772 or email:

2019-01-31T13:25:02-05:00June 28th, 2011|Marketing|
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