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Do You Know the Different Ways to Connect with People on Social Media?

Connect with Fans, Followers or Friends?

With all the social media platforms out there it can be difficult to know all the ways to get your customers to  connect to your business social media. Here are some guidelines to follow that might shed some light on all the confusion with connecting on social media.


On Facebook your potential customers will be able to see all of your post by “liking” the business page. When they hit the like button on the main profile page on the right upper hand side it will send you a notification to notify you about the new “like”. Since someone has liked the business page they’ll now be a fan meaning any future post you make on your business Facebook, the fan will be able to see on their timeline. They can also send you a message, comment on your post or share your post as well.  Now if any one visits your business Facebook page they will also be able to see your post on your business profile as well, even if they are not a fan. Being a fan just means now they will get your updates and post on their timeline. facebook connect

Here some hints to help you remember:

Facebook likes on profile = Fans

Fans= Followers who see your post on their timelines.

Clicking the like button on the business profile = Fan.



On Twitter customers can “follow” your Tweet which means they become a “follower” and will see all your tweets on their Twitter feed. They become a follower by going to your Twitter page and clicking the follow button on the right hand side. Once they have clicked the button you will be notified that someone is now “following” your Twitter page. Your follower now has the ability to retweet your tweets, like a tweet or even send you a message. If your client has not yet followed your Twitter page the only way they can see your tweets is by going to your business page or if some they already follow retweets your tweet.Twitter Connect

Here are some helpful tips to remember: 

Followers = Friends who can see all your tweets

Retweeting= sharing to other Twitter users

Hitting the follow button on profile = Follower.



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Need help managing your Facebook or Twitter? Contact Us today so we can help!

2019-01-31T13:24:47-05:00July 26th, 2016|Facebook, Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Twitter, Uncategorized|
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