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Content Marketing Part III: Why It’s Important

September 30, 2015

Today, we are looking at the third part in our series on Content Marketing. In Part I, we looked at Analytics and in Part II, we looked at Building Your Strategy .

Today, we are looking at why Content Marketing is Important.

In today’s digital age, it seems like everyone is online – either on their smartphone, tablet, or home or work computer. Through those channels, people are inundated with information. This makes it more important than ever to 1. Use these channels to market your business and 2. Make your content stand out so it doesn’t get lost in the crowd of information sharing.

Content Marketing is effective and efficient

Just having a website for your small business will not cut it anymore. Social Media gives you as an outlet to connect with customers on a brand new level. Your company can directly inform and engage with your audience by using content like photos, videos, graphics, and links. These are ways to add a personality to your business – it gives customers a way to see you as more than just your products or services. In the speed of clicking “Enter” on your keyboard, you can connect with your customers in a whole new way through content sharing that gives them a completely different glimpse of your business.

Content Marketing Builds Trust


The bottom line is, content marketing establishes and helps build relationships. And relationships are built on trust. And the more a person trusts your business, the more they use it, the more they tell their friends about it, and the more your business grows. Also, through making yourself available in these ways, you can respond to clients faster after monitoring reviews and feedback from customers. When they see your engaged presence, they will know that even in times of dissatisfaction, you are right there to fix the problem and you’ll be trusted the next time to do the same.

We at Old City Web Services are experts at getting your website content where it needs to be for optimal marketing of the website you have invested so much time and energy into. We can help you build your blog, your social media pages and your content strategy today!

Contact us today by email or call us 829-2772 so we can help!

Next week, we’ll be looking at Content Marketing Part IV: Implementing Your Plan

2019-01-31T13:24:49-05:00September 30th, 2015|Content Marketing|
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