You have a website, social media pages, and send out a newsletter or emails to your clients on a regular basis. Yet you still aren’t getting the results you’d hoped for, the online sales you are seeking and the social media response that is warranted after all the effort you put in.

There are plenty of times that as a business owner you can feel like you are doing all you should but you still feel like you are talking to a wall at times and you just aren’t sure that the online world is giving you the results you expected.

Here are 3 tips for no longer feeling invisible on the internet:

Update, Update, Update: Keeping fresh content on your website will not only keep your online audience interested, it will keep search engine ranking up. You have to be high in search engine rank to be found and once you are found, you have to give visitors a reason to come back. Keep a blog, post updates about sales or specials, or simply update photography and content so that your page is always fresh.

Keep your social media updates compelling: Great photography gets shared more than anything on social media. Share a photo that will stop a web surfer in their tracks, compel them to click and read more, and to share what they’ve read afterward. More people will find you and continue to share, and your online presence will become more visible bringing you the results you hoped for when you set up your Facebook and Twitter pages.

Add social media share buttons on your webpage: Adding buttons to your website that not only take people to your social media pages but that make it easy for them to click and share your website and the content on it is a top way to get people sharing and ultimately seeing your business online. Providing a special or a deal for social media shares only is another way to encourage users to spread the world about your business online.

At Old City Web Services, we specialize in optimizing your website and training you in social media so that your online presence is optimized to its maximum potential. Call us (904.829.2772) or e-mail us and we will be happy to offer our services!