Exciting News: Old City Web Services Joins Forces with AnoLogix!

How to Tell if a Company is Right for You

are-they-right-for-you_The world revolves around relationships. Families, friends, co-workers, the barista who makes your morning (noon and night) latte. Everywhere you look, you see blogs about 10 ways to find love this year, personality tests to determine “your type,” books on how to snag your perfect match, and apps for finding your soulmate without leaving your couch.

It’s like a relationship is a scavenger hunt and everyone is trying to give you a different clue. If there was one surefire secret to flawless relationships, we’d know by now, wouldn’t we? Relationships are tricky. They’re not cut and dry. Good relationships don’t come around every day, so when they do happen, we hold onto them.

Your business relationships are just as important as your friendships and romantic relationships.

Companies you partner with should be just as committed to your business as you. But it can be difficult to decipher who wants to be committed to you because they believe in your mission and vision and those who are just in it for themselves.

So, how can you tell the difference?

6 ways to tell that if a company is right for you:

They share your values.

Our values are what motivate us. If your company’s focus is to help others, you want to partner with a company who has the same mission. If you’re a nonprofit whose focus is on serving others, partnering with a company that is only after money probably isn’t your best bet.

They’re persistent, not pushy.

So you met for a consultation with a company, and it went well. How they communicate post-meeting can tell you a lot about their motives. Do they call aggressively every day wanting to move forward or do they politely follow up and let you make the decision? Do they spam you with emails? A company who has your best interest at heart won’t bombard you; they know you’re busy and have other things going on. They respect you enough to give you time and space to make the best decision for your business.

They have a good track record and reputation.

Do your due diligence and research, research, research. Look for work this company has done in the past. Read reviews of previous employees and customers. Ask people in your community if they’ve heard anything good or bad about this company. How was their experience? Making sure you have all the information will help you make a sound and informed decision.

They use the same style of communication.

Are they easy to contact? Or do they take three days to return a phone call or email? Do they treat you like a priority or another item on a to-do list? It’s important to establish communication in the beginning before any commitments are made or projects are started. How someone corresponds at the start of a relationship is likely how they will communicate during one as well.

You share similar work ethics.

Establishing work styles is crucial for success in a business relationship. If you’re going, going, going constantly, it’s best to find someone who naturally flows with your rhythm, not someone who is hardly ever in the office.

You can see yourself staying with them long-term. You think you can grow with them, and you aren’t settling.

Do you feel comfortable with this company? Do they make you feel like this could grow into something long lasting? Do they promote innovation and change in a positive light? It’s important to visualize the future and see if you think you will be on the same page months and years from now.

The Old City Web Services difference:

At Old City Web Services, our focus is our customers. We know we wouldn’t be where we are today without clients who believe in our company. As a company, we believe in:


We work step-by-step with our clients to ensure the best service possible. Have a question? Give us a call. Having a problem with your website? Stop by the office. Our door is open to you, and we are always happy to help.

Quality work

We’ve worked with many businesses in the community and are proud of our work. Happy clients do some of our best advertising!

Long-lasting relationships

When we form a partnership with a client, we believe in a long-term commitment. If you decide to work with us, we will work each and every day to prove to you that you made the right choice.

2019-01-31T13:24:46-05:00January 10th, 2017|Blogging, Website Design|
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