Nobody likes to see outdated / false information on a company or organization’s website. If your site currently has inaccurate information, such as dates, prices or ancient photos, it’s time to think about an easier way to maintain this valuable investment of yours.

Setting aside time to update your site is often difficult for small business owners, especially when many already exceed 40+ hours a week running their business. Sometimes it’s much easier (and more efficient) to let the professional manage it for you…and that’s where we come in! Old City Web Services offers a monthly or quarterly update service for Content Management System websites. Let us spend a few hours each month or a little more each quarter, freshening up your site with new photos, updated pricing sheets, specials, media, links and more. These updates will help ensure customers keep coming back to your site. There is no better way to get repeat visitors than by making sure your site presents a new or different experience for users.

How does this work you may ask? First, we’ll take a look at your website and then come up with a customized, viable and affordable plan that will suit your needs and schedule best. All you have to do is shoot us a quick email to: with the subject line “Help me update my site” and include your website URL and the best way/time to reach you. Our Project Manager will be in touch shortly to discuss!