Exciting News: Old City Web Services Joins Forces with AnoLogix!

Show your colors with banners and signs.

We go beyond the web.

For trade shows, company events and general displays, signs and banners give your business an extra pop to stand out from the competition. Old City Web Services offers more than just Internet-related services. We have a talented art department to create excellent sign and banner designs for your business. When we create banners and signs for our clients, we keep three important factors in mind:

We recently completed this banner design for the Looster Booster

1. Color accuracy: You’ve probably been in that situation where you go to pick up something from a printer only to find that instead of using the same royal blue your company has always used, they have printed your logo in purple. At Old City Web Services, our designs are all created using Pantones, a color identification system for printers and designers. Every hue in the Pantone color book is identified with a specific number, ensuring that on the screen and in printed form, your logo colors will appear exactly as they are supposed to.

2. Quality imagery: All of our designs are done at a high level of resolution to ensure that images and other graphics will appear crisp and clear.  From far away or from close up, your sign will look clean and professional without being pixelated or blurry.

3. Brand continuity: We offer web and print design under one roof so that you can keep your branding consistent from one medium to the next. We make sure that your fonts and images stay the same on your website, business cards, banners and more so that your clients will be able to recognize your company brand as soon as they see it—even if it’s from across the room.

Get started right now.

Call today (904) 829-2772 or send an email to letusmarketyou@oldcity.com to get an estimate on creating a banner for your business.
– Old City Web Services
2019-01-31T13:25:02-05:00May 20th, 2011|Design, Print Design|
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