It can be difficult as a small business owner to know how to reach an audience and advertise your services and products without busting your budget. Here are some ideas for small business owners who want to get the word out and are on a budget.

Banner Ads

As a small business owner, it is important to reach out to local outlets who promote your area and partner with them to promote your business through banner advertising on the web.

Facebook Ads 

Facebook advertising is extremely effective since ads on facebook are a way for people to promote your business without even knowing they are doing it. Even if people don’t immediately make a purchase because of the Facebook ad, many of them wind up “liking” the business and ultimately becoming a customer.


Influential bloggers in your niche are happy to provide blog posts with reviews of your business and it’s a mutually beneficial experience as they get to eat, shop, stay, or enjoy a product from your business while you receive the publicity of a positive review online that is seen by many.

Claim your listing on Google Places, Yahoo Local and Bing Local

 Your listing online can be claimed by you and this promotion of your business is free and easy and will put your business in search results on search engines.

Get a Rack Card

Having a professional looking, well-designed rack card to hand out is more impactful than just a business card and can give you big bang for your buck when you don’t have a lot to spend on advertising, especially recurring advertising.

All of these are things we can help you with at Old City Web Services so that you can promote your small business in the most economical way possible. Call us (904.829.2772) or e-mail us today!