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The 411 on E-Mail Marketing

E-mail marketing allows you to reach a mass number of people quickly & efficiently (plus it’s affordable)! There are many free or cost-effective e-mail marketing websites available, however it’s how you’re utilizing these programs that’s most important.

Quality over Quantity

E-mail marketing is the key to delivering content to your prospective customers. It is essential to conduct research prior to sending out these messages. You must segment your contact lists based on the needs of your clients and the purchasing stage they are in. Ask yourself– what do these prospects already know about my products and services & how likely are they to purchase? Develop buyer profiles and personas to determine what key messages need to be delivered to each segmented audience. Hint: It’s important to realize when you first begin to utilize e-mail marketing that the quality of your prospects greatly outweighs the quantity.

Call to Action

Any successful e-mail marketing campaign has a clear Call to Action. You may develop a beautifully designed and easy-to-read message, but without a visible and prominent Call to Action, your prospects will not know where to click, what to follow, or how to buy. Step #1 is to set a single goal – what is the purpose of your message? Are you trying to gain traffic to your site or blog or are you trying to bring prospects to a specific products’ landing page? Make sure that your Call to Action is unique to each of your segments. Hint: Email marketers have seen a steady rise in mobile subscribers. Treat this group as a new segment to increase relevance and response.

Practice makes Perfect

There are hundred of variables that you can test out to determine what’s working and what to cut. You should test out design variables: layout, colors & fonts and user-interface such as buttons and links. Analyze your test results and make changes accordingly. Hint: Don’t forget to test the time in which you send or schedule your messages. This is crucial in guaranteeing your audience is receiving your messages & will be determinant on what stage of the buying process their in.

Let Old City Web Services help your business with your e-mail marketing needs!

2019-01-31T13:24:56-05:00November 21st, 2012|Marketing|
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