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The Importance of Good Photography for Online Marketing

Your business has a web presence. You have a website, a Facebook page, Twitter, and even Instagram. The best way to maximize your exposure and increase your reach on these platforms is to use really good photography.

Your website has a great design, but there aren’t enough photographs, or they are small and not the greatest quality. Believe it or not, your website being visually appealing has a tremendous impact on a site visitor’s impression of your business. Large, eye-catching photographs will draw a site visitor in, and will put forth the professional image that brings consumers to you and keeps them with you.

Your Facebook page has great information, where you share what’s new, what sales you have going on, what your upcoming events are, or what is on your menu. Nothing enhances or draws a viewer in to these facts and gets them to stop scrolling and actually pay attention to your words more than a good photograph.

People on social media are much more likely to share your information if there is a photo attached. This will expand your reach and influence and bring in the business you are seeking with your online marketing strategy.

Photos do a few things that make a big impact:

  • Visually appealing – Draws the viewer/reader in
  • Breaks up text – information is more easily scannable when reading
  • Shareable- users of social media are much more likely to share status updates with images than without.

All of these things will have a great impact on your online marketing and the image you present online. Consider professional photography for your website or social media presence today. At Old City Web Services, we can provide photography and photo-editing services to help boost your online appeal. Contact us today!

If you’d like for us to help you in taking your business to the next level, call us (904.829.2772) or e-mail us and we will be happy to offer our services!

2019-01-31T13:24:52-05:00April 1st, 2015|Advertising, Blogging, Image fundamentals, Website Design|
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