Your website is an important component of your business and it’s crucial for you to be found on search engines. SEO is not a one-time service, rather an ongoing process that businesses must monitor & maintain. Think of it as an investment, the more you put into your SEO rankings, the more traffic & visibility your website will gain! Here’s a brief list of why SEO should be maintained by a professional:

Search engines are constantly changing their search algorithms… A perfect example of this is the Google Panda Update when “Google took action against content farms that were gaining top listings with ‘shallow’ or ‘low-quality’ content” effecting approximately 12% of search results in the US alone.

Search engines tweak the Search Engine Results Page (SERP)… In 2007, Google announced their Universal Search which blended users’ search results with images, videos, blogs, books, news etc., ultimately pushing websites further down the page.

Competitors try to and WILL outrank you… If you rank above your key competition, they will take notice and they will take measures to outrank you, most likely by hiring an SEO specialist to improve their content and back-links.

Many companies don’t actively or effectively use Analytics on their own… Many business owners have the stats at their fingertips, however it’s knowing (& finding the time!) how to analyze them to prove & improve R.O.I. Companies that invest in ongoing SEO consulting are putting themselves way ahead of the competition by allowing the company to focus on its core skills and relying on the SEO professional to do what they do best.

Old City Web Services offers a plethora of SEO and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) services including four different plan levels. We work with our clients on an individual basis to recommend which level will work best for their business, based on their needs and the competition in their industry.

If you are interested in improving your search rankings, give us a call: 904.829.2772 or e-mail us: