The Internet has become a major and effective medium for advertising and it’s predicted that online advertising and marketing is soon going to replace advertising through traditional media’s such as television, radio, newspaper and magazines. The key is to find an online medium, such as, where your advertising efforts will pay off big time.

We are so excited to announce that we received over 97,000 visitors to our site within the last month and these numbers continue to rise! If you aren’t taking full advantage of advertising with us, you’re missing the boat.

We consistently rank #1 in Google searches for several key words and phrases and this is done 100% organically, meaning we are not paying for these rankings. What does this mean for you? This keeps our advertising costs down and you will never be cut off after you reach a certain number of hits.

Below we have listed the stats, comparing February 2013 to February 2012:

February 2013 Stats

Total Hits                  81,805     Up 63% over last year

Unique Hits              66,946     Up 61% over last year

Page Views             212,899    Up 71% over last year

Top 5 States            Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, New York and North Carolina

*Visits from Tennessee are up over 297% – guess Tennessee likes St. Augustine!

Top 5 Cities FL        Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Orlando, Gainesville and Miami – Up 5 to 65% over last year


February 2012 Stats

Total Hits                  50,199

Unique Hits              41,664

Page Views             124,670

Top 5 States            Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, New York and Ohio

Top 5 Cities FL        Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Orlando, Gainesville and Miami

So what are you waiting for?

We still have available spots for Super Expanded Listings for the year. Give us a call today and we’ll be more than happy to meet with you to brainstorm an advertising strategy for you.

With all that being said, if your site is not giving you the results you’d like to see, you may be in need of a fresh coat of paint. Maybe it’s a redesign, a marketing strategy, Search Engine Optimization maintenance or social media training. Whatever your needs are, we are here to help. Phone: (904) 829-2772 E-Mail: …..Opening the Doors to St. Augustine