Using Twitter is necessary for having a well-rounded social media strategy for marketing your business. There are so many new tips and tricks for making Twitter easy to use and effective when it comes to getting your brand out there to the public. Whether you are new to Twitter or if you just want to see new results with your current Twitter account, here is help.

What is Twitter?                                 

Twitter is a way of communicating with your followers in posts (tweets) that are 140 characters or less. Twitter is a great way to quickly and efficiently share information about your business. Tweets can include photos, videos, links (to your website or blog post).

Why Use Twitter?

People follow your Twitter account, and you follow other people. This allows you to read, reply to and easily share their tweets with your followers (this is called retweeting) which helps you build an audience and relationships with not only your customers but also other businesses like you. It’s best to not only use Twitter to promote yourself but to also promote others. This will spread your brand awareness and help you get the message out about what your business offers.

How Do I Use Twitter?

Be consistent with your brand

It is important that your Twitter presence have the same look and feel as other aspects of your marketing tools. People will be able to identify you and will trust you. Choose an account name and images consistent with your other online presences and your brand.Your Twitter profile header is similar to the Facebook cover photo, your header photo appears at the top of your profile page. Use the same photo so you are consistent across social media platforms.

Follow and Find Followers

In general, start following these people:

Your customers

Your business partners, suppliers, contractors and vendors

Your competitors or peers

Businesses in your neighborhood

Businesses run by people you know

Get Tweeting!

There are a few different ways you can communicate on Twitter: Tweet (post your own message), Retweet (post a message from someone else using the retweet button), Direct Message (send a private message to another user), Mention (use someone’s twitter name in your own tweet), and Reply (respond to another tweet which then goes to the person you are replying to and your followers

Use Hashtags

A hashtag is a word with # before it and is a way to search and follow topics on Twitter. With the OldCity twitter account, using and following #StAugustine helps us follow and be followed by those interested in talking about happenings around town.

Hopefully this helps and is a good introduction for how to get started with Twitter or how to improve your current Twitter experience. Happy Tweeting!