The point of your website it to attract the attention of your customers, not overwhelm them with fancy animation and lengthy paragraphs about why you’re the best. It’s important to include enough information to persuade visitors, but not confuse them or you’ll fail to get your message across quickly and effectively. Below are three ways we can help you get your message across to customers the moment they land on your site:

1. Determine the Problem:

Businesses that solve a problem are going to succeed– now ask your customers if they have the problem the moment they land on your site. This will gain their attention and create an emotional appeal to your product(s) or service(s). IF they don’t relate, well then most likely they won’t be spending money with you. Note: Always be consistent with your message– create a process that guides visitors from one page to the next, reiterating that same key message.

2. Use White Space:

It’s true that every square inch of your website is valuable space, however that space is not necessarily wasted if left blank. If fact, it gives balance to the other elements on your site. I bet you didn’t know that white space actually provides a calm and serene environment that encourages trust. Note: It’s best to let the professionals determine where the white space is needed in order to create this appeal best.

3. Break-up Content:

Vary your content by using secondary titles and bullet points. Provide an easy read that’s broken-up with quality and relevant photos (preferably professionally taken). Note: Invest in content-rich media, such as video– your customers are human beings and we all learn differently. Using a video may just get your message across better than a well-written page of text.

Just remember, a good website site is clear, concise and easy to navigate. It is not distracting and conveys one message that can relate to a large audience.

Are you in need of redesigning your landing page? Maybe it’s time to rethink the elements throughout your site. Shoot us a quick email: and we’ll be in touch or give us a ring by calling: 904-867-4112. We look forward to hearing from you!