Voice conveys rich information, movement grabs attention & emotions are contagious

Audiences and advertisers alike are racing to online video, eager to consume and capitalize on digital entertainment. In March 2013, 85% of US internet users viewed online video, and video ads accounted for 25% of all videos viewed. (Source)

Online Video Ad’s Are Effective

Video ad’s allow businesses to gain exposure quickly. In June 2013, video ad impressions exceed 20 billion– reaching nearly 54% of the total US population, approximately 121 times per month! (Source)

Not only is the reach far more effective with online video than television, but it will also lower your advertising campaign costs. Furthermore, one of the newest trends in social media is micro-video, a movement toward real-time video sharing featuring 3-15 second video clips.

Start Making Online Videos Today

Start making videos today! Whether it’s an online advertisement or a YouTube Channel, we can help you gain incredible exposure to your both your website and brand within no time. Here are three ways we can help:

  • Create a YouTube Channel – Since YouTube is owned by Google, this will prove to be extremely valuable to your business in terms of SEO benefits. Let us customize your YouTube channel by giving it a branded skin!
  • Socialize Your Videos – Share the videos on your Facebook Business Page, Tumblr, Vine, Instagram, etc. Your message is much more likely to stick with fans/customers with a video than with any other form of content. Spreading the videos will reach multiple audiences at once and increase your chances of becoming viral.

We can help form your video marketing strategy! Schedule your free 1/2 hour consultation today by emailing letusmarketyou@oldcity.com with “Video Help!” in the subject line or just give us a call: 904-867-4112.