If you answered yes, then take a bow because you are doing your followers and your business a huge service. Trust is built when you blog on a regular basis. Much like a television show that comes on at 8pm on Thursdays each and every week, your blog can become a regular part of your followers’ lives. On the other hand, if you blog sporadically then that teaches them not to come to your website on a regular basis.

So how often should you blog?

Well, that is up to you, your style and the amount of time that you have. The most important thing is that you are consistent so that you can set precedence and the expectations of others. With that said, if you are new to blogging then start blogging one day a week for a couple of months and see how that works out for you. You can always add more days later if you find necessary.

Sidenote: One woman I know told me that she made the decision not to cook from the very beginning of her marriage because she didn’t want him to expect her to cook on a regular basis. And he doesn’t!

Questions of the day:

  • If you could only blog one day a week what day would you choose to blog?
  • If you had to give your customers/clients 13 success tips what would you choose?  Why is this tip important?  (answer this question set and you will have 13 blogs done in a flash)