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Blog Tips

Consistency is King

2019-01-31T13:24:40-05:00September 5th, 2017|Search Engine Optimization, Staff, Tips For Success|

Hi there! Steve coming at you from Old City Web Services; I lead the SEO efforts for our fine company. In my first addition to the "Tips For Success" series, I'd like to share an important aspect of digital marketing that every business owner or operator can leverage - "NAP consistency." NAP is an SEO term that [...]

Do You Blog on a Regular Basis?

2019-01-31T13:25:07-05:00August 11th, 2010|Blogging|

If you answered yes, then take a bow because you are doing your followers and your business a huge service. Trust is built when you blog on a regular basis. Much like a television show that comes on at 8pm on Thursdays each and every week, your blog can become a regular part of your [...]

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