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Landing Pages: A Business Owner’s Best Friend

Chances are that you have more than one type of customer…which means that you must communicate with different customer groups in different ways. This necessity is easily accomplished by using targeted landing pages which automatically segments your marketing list for you. In other words, landing pages give your customer a chance to raise their hand to let you know exactly how and why they want you to market to them…and what they are in the market to buy right now or in the near future.

What’s a landing page?
Landing pages are highly- targeted, highly-focused web pages that are designed to let visitors know that they are in the right place and to ethically persuade your visitors to take a specific action. This action could be anything from signing up for a newsletter, registering for an event, downloading a white paper, as well as purchasing a product.

When properly designed, landing pages transform your website from “one of thousands of Google search results” into an interactive, engaging experience. The result being:

  • Trust from the visitor
  • Collection of visitor contact information
  • High quality leadspermission for ongoing marketing
  • Lower cost acquisition of new customers
  • And much more!

Basic Landing Page Elements
There are four basic elements that make a landing page, well… a landing page.

Identifying Headline: Visitors need to know that they are in the right place and that you have something they want.

Compelling Offer: if you want your visitors to gladly give you their contact information or their money then you need to offer something that gets their heart racing and their mind charged with anticipation.

Social Proof: Testimonials, quotes, number of newsletter subscribers, number of clients and more. McDonalds puts up signage that says “billions served” for a reason.

Easy to Fill Out Form: only gather the information that you absolutely need to deliver your compelling offer. Offering a free white paper or newsletter… then try asking for only an email or email and first name. The more work the visitor is asked to do then the less compliance you will have with your request.

Two Simple Questions:
What type of customer or client groups do you have?
Does your website market directly

2019-01-31T13:25:07-05:00August 2nd, 2010|Landing Pages|
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