Exciting News: Old City Web Services Joins Forces with AnoLogix!

Small Business

Website Trends for 2018

2019-01-31T13:24:39-05:00January 2nd, 2018|Design, eCommerce, News, Small Business Marketing, Web, Website Design|

In 2017 several website trends caught traction which will remain popular throughout 2018. In the past year, we have noticed a major evolution in the design of small business sites. Cluttered pages, a lack of direction, and M.I.A. contact forms are a thing of the past. The message has been conveyed; business owners are realizing [...]

Is Google Turning Into a Helicopter Parent?

2019-01-31T13:24:40-05:00October 1st, 2017|Cyber Security, eCommerce, General, Search Engine Optimization, Tips For Success|

Terms you Need to Know HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol): how we send and receive information on the web. For example, by typing "fall activities in St. Augustine," in Google's search box, you are actually sending a command to a server. In return the server fetches the information. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer): is the technology that allows information [...]

Landing Pages: A Business Owner’s Best Friend

2019-01-31T13:25:07-05:00August 2nd, 2010|Landing Pages|

Chances are that you have more than one type of customer…which means that you must communicate with different customer groups in different ways. This necessity is easily accomplished by using targeted landing pages which automatically segments your marketing list for you. In other words, landing pages give your customer a chance to raise their hand [...]

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