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Landing Pages

Free Tools for Content Writing

2019-09-26T14:27:08-04:00June 20th, 2019|Blogging, Copywriting, email marketing, Landing Pages, Small Business Marketing, Social Media|

Wait a minute… What is content? Content is the text, images, video, graphics, as well as every additional element that isn’t part of a design. So, if you have a website, brochure, business card, social media platform, etc., then content writing should be important to you. After all, websites, pamphlets, and other marketing materials [...]

Guide to Online Banner Ads

2019-01-31T13:24:39-05:00March 7th, 2018|Ad Spaces, Advertising, Design, Landing Pages, Website Banners|

Should You Purchase Online Banner Ads? St. Augustine Lions Seafood Festival Digital Banner As a small business in a city where tourism is booming, the short answer to this question is yes! In our last blog, Advertising Ideas, we discussed the best ways to advertise during Tourist Season. To no surprise, online banner [...]

6 Tips for A Unique About Page

2019-01-31T13:24:40-05:00November 12th, 2017|General, Landing Pages, Tips For Success|

A customer’s first impression of any company is the About Page. It is just as important as a first interview and needs to stand out in order to wow an audience It is a critical element of each website. Every About Page should include factors such as a description of the company's mission, the company’s [...]

10 Ways to Establish Your Business

2019-01-31T13:24:47-05:00September 26th, 2016|Advertising, Community, Design, email marketing, Facebook, Landing Pages, Logo Design, Marketing, Print Design, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Small Business Marketing, Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Twitter|

Being a new business has its challenges, one of the biggest being establishing yourself in the community. A loyal client base and name recognition are vital to your success. Without the support of those around you, failure comes closer to becoming a reality than a fear. So, how do you make your startup stand out [...]

Email Marketing and Landing Pages

2019-01-31T13:24:49-05:00December 1st, 2015|Content Marketing, email marketing, Landing Pages, Marketing, Mobile Website, Small Business Marketing|

It is December and that means it is time for your small business to get serious about promoting your holiday sales and specials that you have going on. Email makes up over a third of the ways that consumers make holiday buying decisions. The most important factor in your promotional emails is that they lead [...]

Advertising and Landing Page Congruency

2019-01-31T13:25:06-05:00August 30th, 2010|Landing Pages|

Every day several hundred million people do a Google search, click on one of the results, get sent to a website only to be greeted by a page that has absolutely nothing to do with the ad that they clicked on.  If the website owner is lucky the visitor may poke around the site a bit; [...]

Every Page On Your Website Should Have a Call to Action

2019-01-31T13:25:07-05:00August 16th, 2010|Landing Pages|

That's what makes it a landing page. In fact, when you understand that each and every website should be working for you to get new customers or keep track of what current customers want, then deciding what content to include on each webpage gets easier and easier. When in doubt, about what you should do to make [...]

How to Use Landing Pages to Build Your Email Marketing Database

2019-01-31T13:25:07-05:00August 9th, 2010|Landing Pages|

How large is your company's email database?  Why do I ask?  Because size does matter.  The size of your database has a direct correlation to your company’s bottom line…to your company’s cash flow.  According to research from the Database Marketing Institute, every email address captured adds $10 to your company per year. Simply stated, if [...]

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